The Goonies; Movie review


The Goonies is a film from 1985 written and produced by Richard Donner and Harvey Bernhard. It’s about a group of kids known as ” The Goonies” who live in a neighborhood called the Goon Docks. Their homes are on the verge of being torn down and turned into a country club. They attempt to save it by following this old Spanish map they found in an attic that leads to a hidden treasure owned by the famous One-eyed Willy. They go through several traps while looking for this treasure meanwhile, they’re running from these bad people named The Fratellis who are criminals also trying to get to the treasure.


A behind the scenes look at The Goonies, 1985
Save the Goon Docks.


* STARTING OF SPOILERS; They reach Willy’s ship named the ” Inferno ” and discover there really is a treasure. The whole boat filled with it. As The Goonies start taking as much treasure as they can fit on them the Fratellis stop them. As the Fratellis threaten to kill them one of the Goonies who stayed behind comes with help. They make it out safe and give what they took to their parents. They ended up having the money to save the Goon Docks and have the Fratellis arrested. END OF SPOILERS *

Meet The Goonies; 

  • Mikey
  • Brand
  • Chuck
  • Mouth
  • Andy
  • Stef
  • Data 
Related image
Chuck, Data, Andy, Mouth, Mikey, and Stef. 
The Goonies and some of Fratellis with Michael Jackson in 1984.

I grew up watching this movie it became one of my favorites, it’s honestly a classic. This is definitely a movie I would recommend anybody to watch. It’s a funny movie as well. One thing I would warn you about is they say some bad words so I would say it’s for kids 9+. Chuck is my favorite goonie, he’s so funny and is literally always eating, throughout the whole movie he’s eating something. 


5 thoughts on “The Goonies; Movie review

  1. I liked your movie review. My favorite part of the goonies is when they wont allow that fat kid into the house until he does the “truffle shuffle”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Ales015
    I don’t really know what goonies are and I haven’t watch the movie, but those pictures are really nice it’s like looking back to old photos. I like how yellow your blog is it’s not too bright nor too dull.


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