Birthday Gift.

Growing up I had grown up with this light brown and white Chiwawa named Pookie. That was literally my best friend, I loved that dog like no other. He lived a very long life, sadly he got sick due to old age. He started getting blind and would walk into things. he was very weak. I was about 16 when we had to put him down I was so sad, it was like I lost a human person. Ever since I never wanted another dog because I felt like nobody would make me happy like he did. as I got older I started to really want one, I would tell my mom and she said I was crazy for wanting one.



As I started working my first job, I told myself I would save up to adopt one. April 15th, 2018 I received the news that I was getting a puppy. The white baby in the picture is mine. Her name is Nova and she’s one month old. I promised myself I would love it like I loved my first dog Pookie. I will actually be receiving Nova May 1st.

I remember when I would cry or be sad Pookie somehow knew it and would stick his face upon mine so I can kiss him, that never failed to make me smile. I think the way dogs sense things is crazy. We honestly don’t deserve such beautiful animals like that. Some people don’t treat them with love and care it’s so heartbreaking.

One fact about dogs is Dogs sometimes share our emotions – getting stressed or upset when their owners do. They can feel a range of emotions, from optimism and pessimism to depression and jealousy, and of course, a whole lot of love and affection. Going back to when Pookie would come to me when I was sad, he was probably sad with me.


One thought on “Birthday Gift.

  1. I have a chihuahua too and we have had him since 2006. We grew up with him and we consider him our little brother since we don’t have one. Since he’s older now I can’t even imagine how its going to be when he’s not around anymore. I asked my sister if she would ever get a new dog when ours passes and she straight up said no! Maybe she’ll change her mind.


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