The Hate U Give; Book Review

Image result for the hate u give

“The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas illustrates the horrible events a young sixteen-year-old named Starr Carter faces. Coming from a poor neighborhood but attends a fancy prep school she is looked at as if she’s better than everyone. She went to a party with Kenya and ran into her childhood friend Khalil. While catching up with each other, there were gunshots fired so she leaves the party with Kahlil. On the ride home, they get pulled over by the police. The officer makes Kahlil get out the car to pat him down. Starr must deal with that grief, confusion, and fear that those unexpected events that happened that night left her. That night makes the headlines and leaves the whole community wondering what happened that night. 

I’ve seen it happen over and over again: a black person gets killed just for being black, and all hell breaks loose. I’ve tweeted RIP hashtags, reblogged pictures on tumbler, signed petitions. I always said if I saw it happen to somebody, I would have the loudest voice, making sure the world knew what went down. Now I am that person, and I’m afraid to speak. 

*SPOILER; Kahlil was told not to move but he knew Starr was scared so he goes to the door to simply ask her if she’s okay when the officer pulls fire three times at Kahlil leaving him dead. Starr witness the life leave Kahlil and didn’t know how to process what just happened. * 

About the writer; Angie Thomas was born, raised, and lives in Jackson, Mississippi. She is a former teen rapper whose greatest accomplishment was having an article about her in Right On! magazine. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing. The Hate U Give is her first novel. More about Angie Thomas.. 

Image result for angie thomas

My Opinion; The first three chapters had me in tears, it is definitely a book I’d recommend to buy and read. The book shows you events that happen today, shows you real things and that’s why I love it. Although I haven’t finished the book, I plan on finishing it to see if justice is served for Kahlil. 




Book Review of A Wrinkle in Time.

A Wrinkle in Time 


Characters; Meg, two twin brothers Sandy and Dennys, Charles Wallace

Meg; The oldest child but also known as the outcast in the family

Sandy and Dennys; Older than Charles but younger than Meg. known as the ” normal ” kids in the family.

Charles Wallace; The youngest, by the first chapter I could tell he was an intelligent child because he was cooking for his mother and sister meg at the age of five.

Calvin; a 14-year-old high school junior who is one of the popular boys at school.


Calvin, Charles and Meg – Source 


A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle is about how Meg the oldest child discovers what finally happens to her father who just disappeared for five years. Her little brother Charles and a school friend named Calvin go on this journey on looking for him with her. They go to this house which is known for being haunted and discover three people by the name Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs.Who and Mrs.Which who say can help them find their father. Later on, find out who is really helping them.

*SPOILERS; Mrs.Whatsit, Mrs.Who and Mrs.Which are supernatural beings and transport them. They know how Meg’s father disappears. They travel to different planets. END OF SPOILERS

I actually haven’t finished the book but as far as I am what I liked about the book is how they didn’t have their father in their life for five years but that didn’t stop them from going on this adventure looking for him. I also liked the details that was used describing everything.

The shadows of the trees were long and twisted and there was a heavy, sweet autumnal small to the air. 

If you aren’t into fantasy novels maybe this book isn’t for you but if you are and haven’t had the chance to read A Wrinkle in Time, do yourself a favor and go check it out! I would definitely recommend to check out the sequel.


Madeleine L'Engle
Madeleine L’Engle-




