2 AM.

Sad case right now, Its two in the morning and I can’t sleep. Its officially Wednesday and I do have class but I’m up on youtube right now. Later on today I have to go buy some work slacks and nonslip shoes because it’s my first day at Roscoe’s. I’m excited but super nervous to see how it goes. That’s probably why I can’t sleep because I keep thinking about it. I think I’m bedtime procrastinator. Bedtime procrastination is defined as failing to go to bed at the intended time, while no external circumstances prevent a person from doing so. 

We speculate that it is not so much a matter of not wanting to sleep, but rather of not wanting to quit other activities

I can relate to that quote because I never want to put my phone down, I can never sleep. Always scrolling thru social media like people are up so late/early in the day. I feel crazy being up at 2 or 3 in the morning. 

I’m up watching Will and Olivia a youtube couple. They’re honestly my favorite couple on here, followed and kept up with them for a while. They’re so funny. I found him a while ago on social media but had no clue who it was so, later on, he got with her and I started watching their videos. Another couple I keep up with is Dj and DeJha lei. 

I should really be asleep right now but this is literally my every night struggle, I always sleep super late, wake up super early and is drained by the end of the day but always have homework to do. Maybe I should force myself to do it before everything or me leaving the house. I always wait until last minute and that’s such a bad habit I want to stop but its been like that since elementary. 
Image result for will and oliviaRelated image

May 14th.

So today I officially got a new job. I’m starting as a Host/ cashier at Roscoe’s chicken and waffles tomorrow May 15th. Even though I wanted to leave Blaze because that’s whats best for me right now, I was sad to let them know I was done there. Only because I’ve been there for a year and I grew to love the crew as my second family. I also HATEEEEE being the ” new girl ” because everybody already knows what they’re doing and I have to be that one person who doesn’t. People always treat new people like shit, I Know I did when they started at blaze lol. So I’m nerves to start somewhere new but it should be fun.

I think it hit me that I had a new job when I went to HR for roscoes in Los Angeles and I was filling out all these important papers and when they handed me my uniform I was thinking to myself ” Omg this is really happening, I no longer work at blaze ” I was freaking out.

When I was in HR the lady I was sent to was so rude. I first saw her and I thought ” aw she looks nice ” boy was I wrong. Either she was ready to go and get off work or she’s always like that but I sure was holding back on being rude back to her. I thought to myself ” Let’s not do this because this is your new job, let’s make a great first impression ” but I think she knew because then the other lady helped me. The other lady was the sweetest thing, she was funny too. My opioion I feel like I’ll do great but just need some time to get used to the different environment and how things work at Roscoe’s.



Blaze Fast Fire'd Pizza will offer build-your-own pies for $3.14 on March 14.  (MARK RIGHTMIRE, FILE PHOTO)

I’ve worked at Blaze Pizza for a year and 4 months. I started working there my senior year of high school, on March 06. It was my first job, so everything was new to me. When I started at blaze I hated talking to people because I was shy. Working at blaze it’s a script that you have to say, you have to have a conversation with them as you make the pizza. Now I have no issue talking to people so for that, I’m grateful for the job.  

Working at Blaze has given me the opportunities of meeting some awesome people, the people I work with became my second family. I’ve witnessed some funny stuff, crazy people, and drunk people. As I started working there I never wanted to stay a year there, now that I did I’m so over it. I hate the managers there, every time I go to clock in I get angry lol. 

This year was my first ” Pi Day ” and it was amazing. Pi day is on 03.14 every year. “Pi” Day, March 14 at Blaze Pizza, where you can get a whole pizza for $3.14 with all of the toppings of your choice. The line is always out the door from the morning to the night. there’s like 40 workers that day and it’s just a crazy day. I stayed from 2 until closing working on the line. Everybody was so energetic that day, the managers would bring us all types of food. I’m currently looking for a new job, and I’m ready to quit. Besides the staff there, Pi day is one thing I’d miss about it. One day this drunk couple came into Blaze, and I did their pizza. They got every topping we have, that pizza looked so gross and soggy. They were funny about it though, and they gave a big tip lol. 



Birthday Gift.

Growing up I had grown up with this light brown and white Chiwawa named Pookie. That was literally my best friend, I loved that dog like no other. He lived a very long life, sadly he got sick due to old age. He started getting blind and would walk into things. he was very weak. I was about 16 when we had to put him down I was so sad, it was like I lost a human person. Ever since I never wanted another dog because I felt like nobody would make me happy like he did. as I got older I started to really want one, I would tell my mom and she said I was crazy for wanting one.



As I started working my first job, I told myself I would save up to adopt one. April 15th, 2018 I received the news that I was getting a puppy. The white baby in the picture is mine. Her name is Nova and she’s one month old. I promised myself I would love it like I loved my first dog Pookie. I will actually be receiving Nova May 1st.

I remember when I would cry or be sad Pookie somehow knew it and would stick his face upon mine so I can kiss him, that never failed to make me smile. I think the way dogs sense things is crazy. We honestly don’t deserve such beautiful animals like that. Some people don’t treat them with love and care it’s so heartbreaking.

One fact about dogs is Dogs sometimes share our emotions – getting stressed or upset when their owners do. They can feel a range of emotions, from optimism and pessimism to depression and jealousy, and of course, a whole lot of love and affection. Going back to when Pookie would come to me when I was sad, he was probably sad with me.